Reptile News
Reptile surveys are an important part of a planning application and help to protect our wildlife. Read here about how biT Ecologists can help you
If your development site supports habitats such as heathland, tussocky grassland, railway corridors or roadside verges it could support reptiles including snakes and lizards.
Reptile survey reports and mitigation plans are required for development projects that could affect reptiles and may be required as part of obtaining planning permission or a mitigation license.
The surveys, which are best undertaken in April, May and September, will help inform planning decisions and confirm whether any mitigation methods are necessary.
Surveys are needed to show whether protected species are nearby or within the site. Mitigation plans show how you’ll avoid, reduce or manage any negative effects to protected species.
There are six reptile species in the UK and all are protected by combinations of UK and European law/legislation:
- Adder
- Grass snake
- Smooth snake
- Slow worm
- Common lizard, and
- Sand lizard (not present in Telford & Wrekin)
biT Ecologists are qualified to carry out a wide range of reptile survey techniques. An example of our survey work involves laying out squares of roofing felt into vegetation. The felts retain heat, so reptiles will lay underneath them for warmth. Once bedded down these felts can be checked for any reptiles that are underneath them and the variety and number of different species can be recorded. Appropriate mitigation plans can then be designed depending on the findings. Our team are available to undertake a site walkover to assess whether a reptile survey is required. We will then work with you to make sure that you fully understand your responsibilities and offer workable, reasonable solutions to any constraints identified.
For more information please contact biT on 01952 380 039 or email ecology@bit-group.co.uk