Heritage Statements and Statements of Significance.
Are you intending on submitting a planning application which involves your heritage asset? If so, our biT specialists are here to support you through the process. Our extensive experience and expertise, whilst working closely alongside local council planning departments, gives us the ability to incorporate your Statement of Significance into a comprehensive Heritage Statement, clearly outlining the intentions of your planning proposal.
Proper assessment of a heritage asset’s nature, importance and extent – its “Heritage significance” is a hugely importance early step in achieving a planning design which adheres to legal requirements and National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) requirements.
Whether you’re a homeowner, developer or planning professional, biT can create an appropriate Statement of Significance for informing your future planning proposals, for use in nominating assets for formal heritage designations, or to support funding applications to the National Lottery Heritage Fund (NLHF) and other grant-making bodies.
We start by undertaking thorough research and site visits in order to assess your heritage asset and its setting. Using compelling prose and photographs, we then create a Statement of Significance which encapsulates the archaeological, architectural, historic and artistic interest of the historic asset in a concise and proportionate manner.
If you intend to submit a planning application involving your heritage asset, look no further than biT. Our extensive experience of working with local council planning departments gives us the ability to incorporate your Statement of Significance into a comprehensive Heritage Statement, which clearly outlines the intentions of your planning proposal, the impact your proposal would have on the significance of the heritage asset, how your proposals would enhance the significance of the heritage asset, and how any potential negative impacts would be avoided, mitigated or justified.
biT’s Heritage Statement will greatly benefit the recipient planning department by providing them with the correct and appropriate level of information needed to reach a planning decision – which saves you time and money.
The scope and breadth of our Heritage Statements and Statements of Significance will be tailored to your specific heritage asset and needs. We know that one size doesn’t fit all, and can provide a succinct statement for major works to domestic properties, or fully detailed and evidenced statements to accompany major developments or to support planning appeals. Our expert team of specialists are happy to provide you with the necessary support and guidance through the process whilst able to provide you with a bespoke quotation.
For further information or to speak to our team of heritage specialists, please don’t hesitate to contact us via e-mail at builtheritage@bit-group.co.uk or call us on 01952 380 039