Habitat and Vegetation Surveys
We can provide high level habitat mapping using standard Phase 1 or UKHab habitat mapping methodologies. If your site potentially supports important habitat features we can undertake more detailed assessments including Hedgerow surveys and National Vegetation Classification (NVC) surveys
Habitat Surveys
biT ecologists can provide high level habitat mapping using standard Phase 1 or UKHab habitat mapping methodologies.
Phase 1 habitat survey is the standard habitat classification system published by the UK Joint Nature Conservation Committee. Habitats are assigned to one of a specified list of categories, and maps produced using standard colour and/or letter codes.
UKHab is a habitat classification system that is central in the calculation of a sites ability to deliver biodiversity net gain.
biT ecologists are well versed at habitat interpretation and analysis and are able to undertake field surveys that accurately map your sites habitats. Our team are also able to deliver high quality habitat mapping data using Geographical Information System (GIS) software.
Vegetation Surveys
If your site potentially supports important habitat features we can undertake more detailed assessments including identifying the presence of priority habitats, hedgerow surveys and National Vegetation Classification (NVC) surveys.
For more information please contact our team at ecology@bit-group.co.uk or call us on 01952 380 039