biT provide a full suite of professional consulting service that can assist in planning, designing and facilitating transport movements across all scales of developments, from individual residential accesses through to strategic major residential and commercial developments.

Highways regulations understood

Our team provides expert highway advice relating to all highways related planning matters, including financial contributions and appeals, enforcement, technical audits and site supervision, highway licensing and adoptions.

We are also able to assist with highway orders, public path orders, and the construction maintenance and improvement of rights of way.

With clients that range from small scale to large scale residential and commercial developers, land agents, local authorities and community groups we understand the legal regulatory policy, combined with the social, economic and environmental context which creates a suitable environment. We support and steer our clients to bring their ideas through to fruition ensuring a safe and successful development.

Client Sectors

Client sectors we have advanced knowledge, expertise and experience in are:

  • Small scale residential and commercial developers
  • Larger scale residential and commercial developers
  • External Land agents
  • Sports, Leisure and Tourism
  • Transport Sector
  • Schools, Academies and Trusts
  • Local Authorities
  • Community Groups