
Rainwater Goods, Looking after your gutters.

If you are an owner of an historic building, it is imperative that regular maintenance is undertaken to your building in order to keep it in a good state of repair and avoid significant and costly repairs in the long-term which could have been easily avoided.

Blocked gutters are a relatively straightforward maintenance task that ensures that rainwater does not overflow and therefore penetrate into a building which in turn, may cause significant damage to the existing structural brickwork/stonework and interior plasterwork.

It is important to know:

  • Any loose and missing guttering should be replaced as soon as possible
  • Replacement guttering in a non-cast metal material may not be acceptable especially if your building is listed, where further advice should be sought from one of our Built Heritage Specialists.

Further practical information and guidance can be found on other building conservation specialist websites including the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings (SPAB) website: 'Rainwater Fittings & Advice' as part of the practical Stich in Time guidance, and the Historic England website that has further useful information on how to maintain historic older homes: 'Looking After Your Home - Historic England.'

If you own a property which is listed or based within a Conservation Area or the World Heritage Site, then biT’s team of Built Heritage Specialists are here to help. You can contact us on 01952 380 039 or by emailing us via builtheritage@bit-group.co.uk