
Ecology Surveys, Its now is the perfect time to be thinking about the Ecology Surveys you will need.

Are you looking to submit a planning application next year? If so now is the perfect time to be thinking about the Ecology Surveys you will need. biT’s team of Ecology experts can help plan your surveys in saving you time and money.

Getting all of the reports and information to submit a planning application at the right time can be a stressful time and as the window of opportunity for some Ecology surveys is quite short, generally starting in March and ending in September planning ahead and booking your surveys in is key to the success and timescales of your project. biT’s team of Ecology experts can guide you through the process, advising on when and what surveys you need and when they need to be completed.

In preparation for your application biT Ecology team also undertake Initial surveys during the winter months. These are especially helpful as they will inform you of any further surveys you may require.

A Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (PEA) report, which can be undertaken at any time of the year will identify ecological features that are present or potentially present within the site and surrounding area, it will also identify any additional surveys required.

Preliminary Bat Roost Inspections focus primarily on a buildings affected by a development proposal and their potential to support bats. These can be undertaken at any time of the year and will look for signs indicating roosting bats and features of the building which could be utilised by bats. Booking these in early will let you know if any further surveys are required and give you a better idea of the project timescales.

If you want to discuss the full range of surveys we offer or any other ecology issues with our experienced team please contact us on 01952 380 039 or by emailing us at ecology@bit-group.co.uk